RJS designs and conducts external evaluations for programs and organizations including Head Start, Indian education, leadership, juvenile and adult justice, substance abuse, tribal colleges, and departments of education. RJS started to evaluate Indian education programs in 1975 and has evaluated annually an average of 35 programs, schools, tribal education departments’ and tribally controlled colleges’ programs on a formative and summative basis.
RJS’s recent experience includes:
Chippewa Cree Tribe:
- U.S. Department of Justice Youth Grant
- Montana Board of Crime Control Project
- Tribal Courts Assistance Program
Stone Child College:
- AIHEC Diabetes Project
- Head Start Partnership
- USDA Equity & Extension Projects
Fort Belknap College:
- Title IX Teacher Training Program
- Title III Strengthening Institutions Program
Fort Peck Community College:
- Minority Institutions Teacher Training Project
Box Elder Public Schools:
- School Evaluation & Monitoring Review
- Carol M. White Physical Education Project
Rocky Boy Public Schools:
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Grants to Reduce Alcohol Abuse